Wednesday, July 8, 2009


Curry Laksa
Roti Canai
Teh Tarik
Yoghurt Lassi
Bak Kut Teh
Banana Leave Rice
Sar Hor Fun
Chee Cheong Fun
Ramly Burger
Lamb Satay
Mutton Curry

All the food in the sun
All the food on the planet
All the food, you can cramp into your tiny tummy
All the food, you can imagine available in a jiffy

Eat to your heart's content
Chump chump the sound of glutton
Eat to live and live to eat
The delicious feats
Captured in your images
Yummy memories.

There are more delicacies
Especially home made dishes
With a dash of hope, a pinch of love
Perfected with a hint of destiny.

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