Monday, July 27, 2009

Be that Cheerful Gal

Be the child, and be wild
Be light heart, and your burdens park
Be carefree, and leave your worries
Be that cheerful gal, whom I have set my heart on.
Let's go out and play, all day.

From the city, to the outskirt
From the pavement, to the dirt groove
From skyliners, to cabins on the hills
Be that cheerful gal, whom I want to see once more.
Let's leave the city, and be with nature free and easy.

The hearty laughters, the girly giggles
The jovial chatter, the ardent listener
The soulful, the wonderful
Be that cheerful gal, whom I know is descendants of angels.
Let's share stories, sipping coffee, eating ice creams.

The eyes that glister, with warmth that melt the ice frozen
The mind that wanders, thinking of endless encounters
The soul that empathize, with much sacrifices
Be that cheerful gal, whom I am assured, is beautiful inside out.
Please don't lose the beauty in you, for I will miss you truly, I do.

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