Friday, July 31, 2009

the White Dress

Surely you look absolutely stunning in the dress of white
But surely, you look pretty in anything you decide to wear
For inner beauty transcend
If today, it is not the White Dress
Tomorrow, it will be another beautiful attire
You will still look wonderful, especially with your smile
If today, it is not the White Dress
Tomorrow, it will be another chance you won't pass

For it is not what you wear, but who you are in your heart
But am sure you are like hushed white crystal-like, that grace the earth.

Thursday, July 30, 2009

U Got My Number

I will be the sky, when you look up for some comfort
I will the sun, when you needed a light on your path
I will be the clouds, when you want soft cotton pillows
I will be the shooting stars, hurry make a wish for tomorrow!


That is me
24hours service
This arrangement specially made for you
For you are the special one.


It is nice, every now and then
To get a phone call you, and you relating to me your daily events;
It is exciting, when something good happen
I want to pick up the phone and want to share it with you;
Even when I am down, I know you have that special ability
To lift the veil of doubt, and set the sadness free;
I wish that I will be able to do the same for you
When the times come, when you needed someone, I hope to be there too.

Wednesday, July 29, 2009


Drop by drop, it filled the pool
Bit by bit, it will dry up soon
May the pain slowly go away
No more tears you will cry again.

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Virtues of GRACE

My Dearest ....

There is lime light, shining upon you.
Just like your eyes sparkling with delight, as you walk into a museum.
The beauty of Art and History, appeals.
Do dress for the occasion, surprise will be revealed.
Matching shoes, matching dress, close to perfectionist.
Looking nice and presentable, pretty simple narcissist.
Beneath that beauty, your heart is made of gold.
You know what you want, go-getter and you will see it through.
You are so meticulous, scanning for all the tiny details.
There is lots of preparation, hardly room for mistake to fail.
Everything you do, you do for others.
Cos so truly you care, but yourself, you forsaken.
You dislike the confusion, the sloppiness and ugliness.
Thus, you do your best to pursue and to ensure harmony.
But often, you allowed yourself to be walked all over.
As long, as others are OKAY, and they are happy, that really matters.
Your intentions are so noble.
In the name of LOVE.
But, please do take your time, don't rush and don't be pressured.
For I can see so much in you, but why is it that you don't acknowledge?

Dearest .........

I looked into your face, the 1st time
The very first sight of your smile
I listened, and see you face-to-face
I am not looking at perfection, but I am seeing your grace
I have not been wrong about you from the beginning
And won't be wrong, no matter what happen at the end
The good virtues cannot be destroy
Just not known
There is no such thing as bad virtues
Just the crude not been nurtured
But, please take some time to look into your heart
Don't ever let yourself fall apart
You are better than you ever thought
Cos I have not been wrong.

Monday, July 27, 2009

Be that Cheerful Gal

Be the child, and be wild
Be light heart, and your burdens park
Be carefree, and leave your worries
Be that cheerful gal, whom I have set my heart on.
Let's go out and play, all day.

From the city, to the outskirt
From the pavement, to the dirt groove
From skyliners, to cabins on the hills
Be that cheerful gal, whom I want to see once more.
Let's leave the city, and be with nature free and easy.

The hearty laughters, the girly giggles
The jovial chatter, the ardent listener
The soulful, the wonderful
Be that cheerful gal, whom I know is descendants of angels.
Let's share stories, sipping coffee, eating ice creams.

The eyes that glister, with warmth that melt the ice frozen
The mind that wanders, thinking of endless encounters
The soul that empathize, with much sacrifices
Be that cheerful gal, whom I am assured, is beautiful inside out.
Please don't lose the beauty in you, for I will miss you truly, I do.

Sunday, July 26, 2009

Hushed .. Dashed .. Harsh

Hushed ... you silent your wishes within
As you write your thoughts into the diary
Dashed ... embedded into the paper by ink
As your feelings and emotions flow freely
Harsh ... your sacrificial self knows no boundary
As you put yourself first in all tasks and duties.

Saturday, July 25, 2009

Wish Upon The Skies

It is I, who wish upon the skies
To look into your eyes again
To feel that cheer
The radiant carefree nature.

It is I, who wish upon the skies
That in the morning, I will see you by my side
The day that will ever felt so right
And will be wonderful and bright.

It is I, who wish upon the skies
Find all the reasons why
I wished so hard each day
That wishes will come through, this way.

Friday, July 24, 2009


Some people work for money
Some people work for commitment
Some people work for fun
Some people work for passion
What will be your story, gal?
You are intelligent
You are hardworking
But you are also a gal of the sun
The gal of fun and action
What will be your career be, gal?

Success is not rated by wealth
Not by academic excellence
Or promotions, up the corporate ladder
Not by the clothes you wear
Not the cars you drive
Or the jewelleries you own
Success is health
Wonderful stories of your perseverance
Heroic feat, of determination and go-getter
Or as simple as not having a single white hair
For there is joy, as you strive
And you are happy home bound.

You will be able to weigh your pros and cons
And you will find the decisions, for they will come
I will always be around when you needed my shoulders
Or when you needed my ears to listen
When I am not around, I pray
I believe that you will do okay
Whichever you choose the path
I will be where you are.

Thursday, July 23, 2009

Beautiful Girl

Beautiful girl ................................
You are an image of Venus
You are like the goddess of love
Your feats are incredulous
Your sacrifices flow;
You are selfless, so thoughtful
You endure it all, patiently
Without hesitation, you give so true
And give so bountifully;
The sweat and the toil
The weary and the sleeplessness
You are an image of beauty that can't be destroyed
You are precious and gracious.

There will not be another one of you
Am glad that I have found you, when I should.

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Welcome Back

Look at all your gears
Gotta be heavy, wish can help you out there
Glad there ain't no H1N1 fear
All through, and Custom cleared.


Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Raining .....

I heard barking outside the window
Then lots of meowing that follows
Claws are scratching on the glass
Then I saw lots of animal falling fast!
Their eyes popping
The ears flapping
Their furs ruffled
They are falling like rubbles

That was just animal showers .......

Soon after the elephants trumpet
The cows moooing in soon after
The meowing is still in the air
The barking is soon fading away
I heard roofs are crashed
Cars have been smashed

That was really raining heavily.....

Remember to bring your umbrella when you go outside
Don't forget your camera, it will be an awesome sight.

It may be raining, but it can still be fun
Let's go out and play, you want?

Monday, July 20, 2009

More Than Fairy Tales

Add ImageLife is somehow a narration of fairy tales
Beautiful, magical, and much more than appears
It may not be as fictional as seen on movies
Rest assured, life can be as wonderful as it can ever be.....

Rub the lamp, and genie will come
Make a wish and it will be granted
I make a wish upon a star
Ride on the magic carpet and take you far
Clear skies above and stars glittering
Food to feast, and wine to drink
There will be a place in the middle of nowhere
Where both you and I can share
Take my hand, and step on the magic carpet
I will take you where, we can be together.

Beauty is only skin deep, I can see far more within
The peels of disguises, can't hide your true beauty
Always in you, I see you as precious as a life's gift
Not about life's richness, that I want to seek
But it is with hope, trust, and faith, a little bit of destiny
That you will dance with me, and not fear a single bit
For there is a curse that has plagued me
I think it is you, the special one who will lift the curse.

Whether you are in rags or draped in richness
Whether you have scarred, and scare of sadness
Whether you are prefect, whether you have flaws
Whether you have a past, the future is better evermore
For in you, I always find a perfect girl
And nobody will fit the glass slipper, than you w

I have always known, you have a heart of gold

Thus, I gave you my heart, to keep and hold
Take good care of it, like it is your own
Hope that you will find happiness, as you roam the world

But sometimes, you lay asleep, trouble in your soul
I often, wanted to ask ... what can I do for you
Can I go on my knees, and take your hand?
Can I give you the kiss, and take you to my land?
Can I have the honor to bring you back peace?
And give you all the deserving happiness?

Sunday, July 19, 2009

I Realized

Am sitting home, and begin to realize ......

1. I wanna put a paperbag on my head, dun feel like seeing anyone but you.
2. I feel kinda tongue-tied, dun wanna talk except if it is you.
3. I should be revising my study, but all I wanna do write blogs for you.
4. I seem speechless, and I am keeping to myself, but I wanna talk to you.
5. I crazy, playing with the stapler like a maracas, cos I am missing the ring tone from you.
6. I suddenly feel kinda down, maybe it is just being tired cos thinking too much about you.
7. I wanna rest on the hammock by the seaside, but everywhere as long you are there.
8. I am just a crying baby right now, ranting nonsense, cos I am missing you.

Saturday, July 18, 2009

Thot 4U

Are the air stewardess hot ?
Have your plane touched down at the Shanghai airport?
Is it a pleasant, and safe flight?
Did you manage to rest with eyes open wide?
Well it is the beginning of the weekend
It is gonna be great
Ain't gonna matter wherever you are
I thought of you, and you bring warmth and smile.

Friday, July 17, 2009

Leaving On a Jet Plane

You will be packing your bag, Flying your jet plane
Don't know when you will be heading home again.

You will be soaring up to Heaven, Gliding from cloud to cloud
Don't know if you can see the sign "I AM HERE" on my roof top.

You will be a happy going gal, Jet setting and movie star lifestyle
Don't know if you will recognize me, amongst the crowd.

If you are leaving on a jet plane, Speeding down the runway
I wish you won't go too far away and come back to me some day.

If you are tired, and needed to rest your weary head
I will be waiting for you at the airport, with wine and flowers in my hand.

In my heart, you will always be, The gal with the smile and a big dream
I won't wish for you anything less ..........

P/S: Check out my pilot skill , my striking post, and plane .....


Every night, before I go to sleep
I set my ring tone, and put the phone near to me;
Especially for you, when you need to call
If you can't sleep, and wanted to talk;
My phone is on 24 hours daily
So you can always reach me, day and night, instantly.

Thursday, July 16, 2009


Looking out into the nights
Watching the bright neon lights
Blinking spot lights of cars driving by
Of planes that fly in the skies
Sound of traffic that never cease
But I will smile, with a thought that is always of peace.

The lights do not stink my eyes
The smokes do not make me cry
The sound does no make me wince
For there is always a though that makes me grin.

The view of the city looks pretty from from my window
As I wish it good night, I look forward to tomorrow
The nights will bring solace
As I think of you, I write all these sonnets
The nights will always dispel loneliness
As in my heart, I wish you good night, my dearest.

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Monday, July 13, 2009

Princess of the Castle

Princess Princess, hear me call
Come out, from yonder that wall.

I draw my sword, and fight the guards
I pledge my soul, and I give my heart;
I stand your ground, and bleed with blood
But I will not part, till death, for your honor;
I Yearn to catch the glimpse of your face
The first light that shines your grace;
I Yearn to take your hand, and walk the pasture
Together, we can admire the beautiful nature.

But, with humble apologies, I say to you, Princess.......
I shall not build the bridge
Only to burn it, out of selfish;
I shall not take down the door
Only to let everyone walk in, to and fro;
So, I stand by the sentry
Till the day, you walk out freely
And I will be waiting.


Whenever you are in town, would you like to go out?
You can don on your favorite skirt or dress, you will look the best.
Maybe movies, maybe walk in the park, maybe dinner, or looking up the stars.
Maybe ice cream and coffee, reading a book underneath the shady tree.
Maybe a drive on the highway, a date out of town, somewhere.

I will be honored to have you as my date, I hope asking now, hoping it is not too late.
Should have asked you long time ago, something I have always wanted to do.
But I didn't, and I regretted, and I am a fool, I must admit that.
Now I believed that 2nd chance has come by, I won't be a fool again to keep quiet.

Grace, will you be my date?

Sunday, July 12, 2009


My dearest "Lil Chef",

If HUGS have wings, I will set them free to you
But alas they don't, still I send them through
My prayers are wrapped in HUGS
At the corner of your bed, HUGS SNUGS

Sleep tight & Good night.

Groove and move, 
wiggles your bum,
wiggles your waist,
let the shine of the mirrorball,
spots on every beautiful faces.
Another shot, Another song,
let's change a pose,
hands up, tip toe,
walk with ur ankle
back and forth, 
shake your head,
with the uncountable beat,
Let's drown in the crowd.
Forget your worries,
Shake away your tears,
Let's drown in the crowd.

Coffee, Tea & Me .....

The day is bright and sunny
Hot, and it is all sweaty;
Let's go where, there is no crowd
Let's go to quiet cafe, and chill
Wanna share, cookie or cheese cake
Wanna have ........
Coffee, Tea & Me?

Saturday, July 11, 2009


owdy Dear?
Everything good?
Like to hear your voice !
Love to see you again soon!
Obviously, I miss you!

Friday, July 10, 2009

Breakfast in Bed

You have always been giving, so thoughtful
For a change, I want to give something back to you
Simple as it is, to tell you "You are special"
So that you will remember, when you wake up always
You will always remain special, to me
I hope that I will be able to make you "BREAKFAST IN BED"

This is the voucher for you to redeem
And I will be most delighted to make it all happen
I am not promising you anything fancy
It will be simple breakfast, which I might prepare hasty ...
Bear in mind, I am not a good cook
And I don't play by the books.

Grace ... Blessings

Grace .. sweeter than honey, seeps into the soul
Grace ... gentler than the grizzly, warm to hold
Grace ... soft and silence, speaks in a fine melody
Grace ... it all begins with your blessings
Grace ... what you gave, I have gathered
Grace ... in returned, I pray you stay with me forever.

You are an angel, I believed Heaven sent
You are special to me, like a blessing.

Sweet as honey, sharp as blade;
Tender as teddy, hear what you say.
Quiet and pray, monday to sunday,
With all my grateful heart,
Thank you for your blessing.
May the grace given to me,
return to you twice.

Thursday, July 9, 2009

Kerna (BM)

Aku meniti hari, kerna rindu pada mu (G, Em)
Aku lemas dalam memori, kerna mu telah pergi (Am, C)
Aku menyelam dalam nada guitar, kerna hati yang pilu (G, Em)
Aku ingin mohon maaf, kerna aku ... mulai jatuh cinta (Am, G, G7)

Seandainya, mu izinkan (Cm7, Am)
Aku ingin lafazkan cinta, kerna aku ... mulai jatuh cinta (Am, G, Cm7)

Kerna rindu (Dm7 Tab1)
Kerna cinta ku (Dm7 Tab2)
Kerna rindu (Dm7 Tab1)
Kerna cinta pada mu (Dm7 Tab2)

Seandainya, mu izinkan (Cm7, Am)
Biar ku lafazkan isi hati, kerna aku ... mulai jatuh cinta (Am, G, Cm7)

A La La La

Put notes all over the dotted lines
Make music that may not be so fine
Let's sing a happy tune
A la la la la that will not be ruined
We can sing along
A la la la la that cant go wrong
The shoes tap a tat tat tat
Even if we sing a note so flat
All we need to do is sing a la la la
And then laugh the ha ha ha
Till our heart is merry
Free of worry
We will a la la la
Bye a ta ta ta


My princess
Look up into the blue night skies
Make a wish
For I look up to the same skies
I will pluck your wish and put them into my list...

I will rest outside your bedroom
Rest on the laurels of the window
Knock on your window, at midnite
We will head out for a snack and bites
In our jammies, and with slippers
We sneak down the road, round the corner.

Morning sunlight rise and shine
Breakfast ready with toast and sunny side
Carry your bags, and umbrella
Com'on climb into the car
No trains, and no buses
Through the highways, we will zoom pass.

I read the papers and sip my tea
Eat my toast, while I wait for you to be ready
Across your office, I leisurely sit
When you are hungry, holler at me
Food, drinks, fruits, junk and snack
Dine in or packed.

Wherever you need to go
Just let me know
From one end to the other end of town
Or we just drive around
Stopped wherever you want
And wait till you are done.

Rest your foot, and conserve your energy
That you can enjoy cakes and coffee, by the quay
Windy breezy, although slightly noisy
But it is relaxing, just you and me
Work aside
Leisure time
Put on your shades

Night will come and the skies will be clear
With starry stars, that seems so near
Make your wishes, and hang them on the stars
I will pick them when I drive by in my car.

My princess
You deserve more than these
My dear Lil Chef
It will all begin with "If"

Wednesday, July 8, 2009


Curry Laksa
Roti Canai
Teh Tarik
Yoghurt Lassi
Bak Kut Teh
Banana Leave Rice
Sar Hor Fun
Chee Cheong Fun
Ramly Burger
Lamb Satay
Mutton Curry

All the food in the sun
All the food on the planet
All the food, you can cramp into your tiny tummy
All the food, you can imagine available in a jiffy

Eat to your heart's content
Chump chump the sound of glutton
Eat to live and live to eat
The delicious feats
Captured in your images
Yummy memories.

There are more delicacies
Especially home made dishes
With a dash of hope, a pinch of love
Perfected with a hint of destiny.

Lucky Me

I say I am lucky and it is so true
Cos I count my blessings in knowing you
If I still have a heart, I carve your name on it
For you do deserve more than I can give
Whatever happen, never forget
You are wonderful, the best girlfriend one can ever have.

I say I am lucky, and so I am
Meeting you, though brief, that is my only complain
So little time, and so much to know
So little chance, to get to know you
But I still count my blessings
For meeting you, as I am leaving.

I say I am still lucky
With you in my heart, I will always be.

Far and Distant

You are far like a distant star
A twinkle that shines bright into my heart.

You are like a distant hope
A sparkle that is precious like gold.

You are like an angel who looks upon with a smile
However long a wait, it is so worthwhile

Memories, Time & Prayers

Thru the pages of the book, memories are kept alive
Thru the memories of the heart, cherished for a life time
Thru time, wishes are kept abreast
Thru prayers, you have continue to inspire.

Each page, find the wonders of yourself
Each memory, find the compliments
Each time, find the magic which is never lost
Each prayer, strengthen as the journey take its course.

Keep the faith, filling up the pages
Keep the memories, don't erase
Keep the time, don't ever lose track
Keep the prayers, so that you can find the way back.

The memories, the time, the prayers
They all come together
From the heart, form the love
From the heaven, just above.

Colors of Us

All the colors that are painted on the canvass of life
In all the harmony, perfectly hushed white
Any colors that make You and I
Will be so unique that no words can describe
Colors especially for You and I
Will always be special in our hearts and eyes.

The Inspirations

The Inspirations ....
They flow in the night
They take flight
Like a lover's plight;
The nite's citations
Overwhelmed of passions
Inspire creations.

The Inspirations ....
The outburst
A writer's curse
The gift of words;
These are my tribute
To you
Of what you have inspired me to do.

While you kept my company
Throughout the night on the weekend
While your thoughts kept me alive
Throughout the times I write
These Inspirations.

Tried to Sleep

Tried to sleep, as I tried to imagine
A smile upon your face, as warm as an embrace
All happy things, always so soothing
Peace and ease, thoughts of happiness.

Tried to sleep, as I closed my eyes
A smile will greet, the morning be great
The sun is hot, but sweet too I thought
Shines so bright, everything will be all right.

Tried to sleep, you make me smile within
All the thoughts of you, what am I to do?
They are warm and fuzzy, nice and cossy
The nights are never the same, ever since.

Good Morn'g, My Dearest

Good morning, my Dearest
Prayed that you have slept and dreamt the sweetest

That you wake with a ray of smile
Like the brightest ray from heaven shines.

Good morning, my Dearest
Hope that you have slept well throughout
I know you must have been tired
Cos I tried to call, but no reply.

Good morning, my Dearest
I wish you all the bestest
Your name is scribed into the list
Sealed with a prayer and a kiss.

Mr. Smiley

Mr. Smiley
Bright yellow, with a smile ever ready,
Mr. Smiley
Will always keep you company,
I am glad that I met Mr. Smiley
He definitely is the perfect gift.

Even when you are down
When you sob and you scowl,
Even when you are angry
When you punch him repeatedly,
Even when you are agitated
Toss him around like a pancake,
Then when you are tired
Take a look at him,
Whatever you do
Mr. Smiley will be always smiling back at you,
That you will not forget to smile
At whatever situation, and at whatever times.