Thursday, December 31, 2009

HappY New Year - 2010

Happy New Year

Fireworks to light up the sky
Cling clangour of glasses toasting, feeling high;
Friends gathering around
Rossy cheeks, and laughter sound;
Taking the final steps away from the 2009
Welcoming 2010 with open arms!

S * M * I * L * E

Thursday, December 24, 2009

Merry Christmas!

Merry Christmas to my dearest Grace
*MUAH* a big smackaroo kiss on your face!

At the church, said my prayers
Blest and Happiness for you over there.

May your heart wil enlightened
Filled with heart, with love abundance.

May your smile light up the night
Like cities' neon lights.

May I always find you in the safest haven
Happy on cloud seven.

From da health freak Leo ----->>>>>

Monday, December 21, 2009


Hear, there is a heart
Here, have mine....

Ever if it is broken, or torn apart
Easy please, mend it, begin from the start....

Ask not, and yet is given freely
Ask then, and more will come abundantly....

Reach not for the sky
Raise no questions why....

Trust & Believe
Truth is within.

In my hand, I place my heart
On the other hand, I will lead you the path
With my heart, I give leave
Your love will live with me.

Sunday, December 20, 2009

Merry Xmas

It is Christmas
A time of merry and laughter in the air
With friends and family, and love ones.

What can I do for you this Christmas
I will put a note up to Santa Claus
He will hop into his sledge and ride with reindeers
To make a wish list come true.

With lots of Hugs & Kisses
With tonnes of Smiles.

Hello Pretty Girl

Hello, Pretty girl!
There is truly no perfection
No best coordinated emotion
Lots of commotion
Least of expectation
Less excitement
With additional predicament.

Hello, Pretty girl!
You got the looks
You have got the smile
You know how to cook
You can charm your way around;
You have got talent
Surely you have got the means
You are so persistent
But you are more than you seems.

Hey Pretty Girl
Sending you lots of happy smiles
Lots of cheerful love
Hope you forget your worries, even a lil while
Cos there is so much wonders for you;
Sending you the only heart I have
That you can hold on for the longest time
At any moment, gray and grave
I will always be here, waiting.

Friday, December 18, 2009


If u dun eat in the morning, u will get hungry
Then u will be angry very easily, sadly.

If yr things are too many, u will be late
Then u will be rushing, and later, scare u will be sick.

If u didn't have enuff sleep, u will be weary
Then when u wake, u will be so lazy.

If yr day didn't start off well, u will have a hard time
Then at the end, u won't SMILE!
I can't have that at all
So let me come and help u get through.

Candy Land

Xmas has lots of candies
it is a festive season of sweetness
of color so delightful.

Sweets and candies
For friends and buddies
As Xmas gifts.

Can you come out?
Let's go about!
To Candy Land and shop!

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Joyly Happy Breakfast

The Joyly Happy Breakfast ....
The most important meal of the day
Gives you lots of energy to go about your work
Gives you lots of vibes to make you smile ad-hoc.

Would want to have that chance to brekky with you
No more sms-ing, and virtual-lity, no do no more.

Let's do brekky!
The Breakfast that is Joyly Happy!

Dun Close Up

There can be cuts, there can be scars on your heart
But there shouldn't be a shackle, and bolt to lock it up...
There can be broken pieces, they can be put together
But there shouldn't be a trash been, to throw them away...
Your heart is fragile, I am so very sure it is
For you are gentle, and you gather all the issues...
Yet, I know, deep down inside, you are strong and brave
Just one word from within, you will find all the courage you have...
Don't close the door, don't close up
Leave it slightly ajar... please.

Monday, December 14, 2009

Xmas Shopping

Walked about the mall
And gotten nothing at all!

Round and round, all the shops
I gotten nothing, it is a flop!

Shopping is just not my forte
I think that is why girlfriend is very important
To take along for shopping
She has got the eye for everything.

Let's go shopping
Xmas is coming.....

Friday, December 11, 2009

Vrooom ..... Vrooom

Vroooom .... Vroooom .....
Com'on get into the car
We will drive off not too far;
Where there is food
Where ambience is good...
Pick you up in a jiffy
Whenever you are ready!

Vrooom ..... Vrooom

Monday, December 7, 2009


L is for the way U look at me
O is for the only one I see
V is very very extraordinary
E is even more than anyone that U adore can

Love is all that I can give to U
Love is more than just a game for 2
2 in love can make it
Take my heart and please don't break it
Love was made for me and U


This is a truly a simply beautiful song which will always remind me of you
That you are truly extraordinary
Love is all that I have, and I will give it to you, in a jiffy
Truly love is not a game
But Love is just made.

My dearest GRACE.

Thursday, December 3, 2009

Appreciate As Now

Each day, I meet old friends
Talked to some friends from the other end
They made me think and that is good
They made me remember you.

Most of them have everything
The personality traits, I mean
Intelligent, young, attractive, outgoing
So have you, I kept on remembering
But something about you, set you apart
You are different, that is why I gave up my heart.

No 2 persons are ever alike
Like nobody is perfect in life
You may have your flaws too
But so far, there are much more good
And your flaws, are only being human
Also being humane.

I know I have said how much I care
If there is a chance, I would take you as my girlfriend
Am glad you are my friend, by my side
Glad that you are in my mind
For you are part of my life
Feels good to be alive, with a memory, that creates a SMILE!

Sometimes, I couldn't have said enough
In case, one day, I forgot to wake up
As I sleep each night, I say my prayers
That you will always be appreciated.

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Chinese ......

Mama used to teach me Chinese
But I was young then, and kinda lazy
I used to get caned for not understanding
Cos I am just been a kid.

Mama did a good job, and taught me my name
I remembered, somehow, so I am not so lame
Cos people still said that I am a disgrace to be Chinese
I just laughed, but knew it is my fault been a happy kid.

I know my chinese, although not everything
Just the basic, but my knowledge is worth laughing
Am still willing to learn, I am still capable
But mama might not have patience anymore.

You gonna teach me Chinese perhaps?

Friday, November 13, 2009


Dearest Grace,

From day one, till now
I wish that I don't know what I know
Not feeling how I feel about you
That is knowing I am falling, like I shouldn't do
If only I can discard the feelings
And just keep on believing
All the things which I feel for you
Because there is a part of me, has an honesty.

You have many qualities of a girlfriend, almost too good to be true
But in all that you do, I am still fascinated with you
Throughout time, I just took a step back, took a seat back
With a hand on my heart.

You have touched my heart, like nobody has
You are running on a quest, just like I have
While I am done, you are still at it
We have so much alike
But that is not the reason that I fall for you
Somehow I just did, and I still do.

I think about you always
Always hoping and have you in my prayers
That all is well, and at the end, you will find your happiness
I will always be happy for you, honestly.

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Rain Thru My Eyes

Listening to the thunder that roars outside
Catching glimpse of lighting that splits the sky
Watching the skies turn from bright to gray
Finally, welcoming the rain that comes my way.

Drops of rain paint my window panes
As they fall to the floor below, without any pain
The ripples they caused in the puddles below
Under the rain, I so wish to go.

Come, and sit by the window
Watch the world, with a cup of hot cocoa
The painting so abstract
Your mind can drift, and be so distracted.

Rain through my eyes

Feeling through my heart

Dinner & Hosting

I think we will do a great team of hosting home parties
We can make a little bit of profit, for our effort
Go for movies, and a little tea
With cake and simple titbits.

You will be the Chef
You are splendid in whipping things up in the kitchen
Friends will keep coming back for more
Cos you are simply just too good to be true.

I will play the host
Warming everyone, with a toast
Ensuring that friends are happy and chatty
So that they will have a great appetite
And when they leave the dinner
They will always remember ....


Cook me Noodles

My Dear Lil Chef,
You are so warm hearted
Cook me Noodles, I am in hunger
You are so considerate
Half an egg for dinner time
But you are so cruel
You tempted me with Foood!

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Your Letter

"These are some of the questions I did not think about as life in HK is holding people breathless or I simply yet to have that depth and time to think about those abstract and philosophical ideas. What makes you happy? What do you want to do? What do you know about yourself? What is it about thinking about it and being and knowing about it? These questions suddenly fall into my life and that’s certainly no definite answer. It sure will take some time for me to digest, think and refine for answer to reveal and knowing the true self. So, my dear friend, what do you know about the questions above?"

Dearest Grace,
Sometimes, they dun need answers
Just let them linger around the corner.
Questions will always come back
Let them out and roam the yard.
When the time comes, the answers will surface.
Then your life will take the center stage.
You will be surrounded by thoughts.
But it is really a good lot.
Don't worry too much, my dearest.
As time still permits, I am still by your side.


Monday, November 2, 2009


My dearest Grace ...

Don't cry no more
You will be strong
All will be fine soon
Just know that I am always around
Although I dun make no sound
And can't seen to be found
Just trust, am just a dial away.

Till then...
Hugs and Kisses.

Friday, October 23, 2009

Quiet .........

Patiently just waiting
Quietly wondering
"what are you doing"
"how have you been"
A moment, given for prayers
You have been remembered.

The notes are shorter
The gap larger
The blog infrequent
Still often
The linger inspiration

All is well
Time will tell
You have been blest
Nothing to attest
Blessings and well wishings flow continuously
Always .. patiently .. quietly ..
You will be waited upon
Hope to see you again, like a hope of dawn
Till then, till the time dictates
I wait.

Thursday, October 15, 2009

End of The Rainbow

At the end of the rainbow, you can find a pot of gold
But I find you at the end of the line, it is so fine
Cos you are as fine as gold, but better than that black coal
You are more precious than processed diamonds, one of a kind.

At the end of my rainbow, I know I will always find you so.

Sunday, October 11, 2009

Happy Birthday !!

Happy Birthday, Dearie

May you always be happy
May you be always smiling
May your wishes come true
May all goes smooth
May all well
May all is swell
May there be good tiding
May there be blest blessings.

Happy Birthday!

p/s: Slightly belated ..............

Thursday, October 8, 2009

So NEAR Yet So F A R ......

Was it only yesterday, I last heard your voice
So clear, I can hear you say, and happy, that it has filled a voice;
Then it felt like it was too long ago
Only the memories I know, where they have gone to...
So far, yet so near
I wish that I can hold you dear.

Was it only yesterday, I remembered your smile upon your face
Finally, I have faith in destiny, I chance upon you, Grace;
Then I remembered, it has been long time ago
Only the memories I know, I missed it so...
So near, yet so f a r
I wish you will fly back, and I will pick you up in my car.

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Relax & Enjoy

It ain't the weekend yet
Doesn't mean we can't relax
Let's not take things to seriously
End up going crazy
Instead, let's be happy
Look a lil bit silly
Till the end of the day
The joy will stay
Take it easy
It will always be all rightey
Relax & Enjoy

Saturday, October 3, 2009

A Gift

A gift is everything so simple, yet very preciously close to the heart.

A gift is everything that is so priceless, that no money in the world can buy it.

A gift is everything, the mind can think of and the heart can make out of it.

A gift, wrapped or simply as it is, is a gift that has no substitute.

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

NO Worries, Please

My dearest,

There will always be so much to worry about
Worrying about predictions that are merely assumptions
Things might never happen, least we induce the events
Even if they do happen eventually, greet it with open arms
For surely, it is for the better, and for your best benefit.

In the meantime, let's not worry
For the more you worry, the less you are gonna be happy
More of your frowning, and less of your smiling
Let's not worry, that you forgot about today and the grandeur it brings still
Until the blanket of the night tugs you in with the silent breathe of good night
No worries, please.

Saturday, September 26, 2009



A home ....
Can be a shackle of mess
But in chaos there is an order you can control.

A home ....
Can be a picture of harmony
And find solace in the perfection of doing nothing to change.

Home is where you set your heart to be
Where your emotions can be displayed freely;
Home is where you long to be
Where you put your feet up and watch TV;
Home is where you can be whoever you want to be
The daughter, the friend, the lover, the famous wannabe.

My Dear
Where is your HOME?

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Essential Keys

A Relax Body
A Peace of Mind
2 attributes that generates intelligence and body flexibility
Simultaneously, improves blood circulation and the Chi
These are essential keys to successful martial arts practice.

Of cos, you are not really a Sholin Kung Fu apprentice
But everyday, you are fighting with daily chores.

The battles are pretty similar
Perhaps, the application can work to your benefits.


something that martial arts forgot to emphasize and it works!

Monday, September 21, 2009

Happy Missions

The Happy Missions
It is about aimlesssness
It is about no constraint
It is about finding happiness
It is simple, and doesn't have to be special.

It can waking up in the morning, where there is rain
Catching the transport to work, when you are not late
Doing your daily routine, and someone said thank you with a smile
Having a meal that is so delicious, you can taste it for a long time
Bumping into friends, and having a long chat about nothing
Going home, and find a cat meowing outside your door
If luck is on your side, you might find a cheque wirtten under your name
Yes, it sounds insane, especially the last one.

Happy Mission
Is just doing something without any special reasons
Doing something, not expecting anything in return
Sometimes it can be something that you have been doing all the while
But there is always a deadline
It is so stressful
Even anything wonderful, no longer is anymore.

Happy Mission
Having the fun in everything!

By the way..... Eating, sleeping, working is happy
If you don't think negatively
Eating DELICIOUS food - YUMMY!
Sleeping soundly - PEACEFUL!
Working happily - PAY DAY!

Saturday, September 19, 2009

Beauty in the Eyes of the Beholders

As the time go
As nature grows
There will be changes
As things come together, as things wither
The weather
The people
But beauty
Is how your eyes perceive it.

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Tin Cans

If we talk on the telephone via the tin cans
How cost effective it would be then,
No worry about bills
Or when there is no battery,
Just throw over the tin can
Let's start talking again.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009



How have you been Dear?

Hope things are going good for you.

Going smooth too.

Smile always!

Monday, September 14, 2009


It is a hot hot hot day
The sun is shining always
Feels like a steak on a hot stove
Burning sizzling hot
Sweats and dehydration
Drink lots of water, isotonic and lots more.

It is a hot hot hot day
Hope the rain will come my way
Chill will be nice
Or one will melt like an ice.

oH Lord

Sunday, September 13, 2009

A Good Week .........

A smile can goes a long way
Can help through each tiring day
When all the energy drained away
The good things will stay .

Saturday, September 12, 2009

What is it ?

What is it ?
It is lightning
It is a bird
It is a plane

It is a dream that is soaring high!

Thursday, September 10, 2009

The Power of Prayer

Ain't worried about you, my dear
You can take care of yourself, that is clear;
Just try harder, especially your health
For it is your treasure of wealth;
Am just concerned, yet can't do much
So every night, as I sleep, I pray from my heart;
Hopeful, that a silent thought will come thru
For there is nothing more that I can do......

The power of prayer
Doing nothing, and hoping it is helping.