Monday, September 21, 2009

Happy Missions

The Happy Missions
It is about aimlesssness
It is about no constraint
It is about finding happiness
It is simple, and doesn't have to be special.

It can waking up in the morning, where there is rain
Catching the transport to work, when you are not late
Doing your daily routine, and someone said thank you with a smile
Having a meal that is so delicious, you can taste it for a long time
Bumping into friends, and having a long chat about nothing
Going home, and find a cat meowing outside your door
If luck is on your side, you might find a cheque wirtten under your name
Yes, it sounds insane, especially the last one.

Happy Mission
Is just doing something without any special reasons
Doing something, not expecting anything in return
Sometimes it can be something that you have been doing all the while
But there is always a deadline
It is so stressful
Even anything wonderful, no longer is anymore.

Happy Mission
Having the fun in everything!

By the way..... Eating, sleeping, working is happy
If you don't think negatively
Eating DELICIOUS food - YUMMY!
Sleeping soundly - PEACEFUL!
Working happily - PAY DAY!

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