Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Your Letter

"These are some of the questions I did not think about as life in HK is holding people breathless or I simply yet to have that depth and time to think about those abstract and philosophical ideas. What makes you happy? What do you want to do? What do you know about yourself? What is it about thinking about it and being and knowing about it? These questions suddenly fall into my life and that’s certainly no definite answer. It sure will take some time for me to digest, think and refine for answer to reveal and knowing the true self. So, my dear friend, what do you know about the questions above?"

Dearest Grace,
Sometimes, they dun need answers
Just let them linger around the corner.
Questions will always come back
Let them out and roam the yard.
When the time comes, the answers will surface.
Then your life will take the center stage.
You will be surrounded by thoughts.
But it is really a good lot.
Don't worry too much, my dearest.
As time still permits, I am still by your side.


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