Saturday, August 29, 2009


There is always going to be something
Attractive about you, that kept me thinking
There has got to be something
Would like to call it destiny
Perhaps like a twist of fate
And patience is keeping it abreast, that it would never be too late.

The aloftness which is the check list
Keeping all logic and rationality abreast
For there has got to be a strong connection
That has bound all my emotions
It almost felt like fate
It is worthy of the year long wait.

The night ends with a prayer
The morning starts with another
The whole day, live on with endless thoughts
More of you, than not
And more of round and round, going in circles
At the end of the day, it is always going to the same story.

Merely, called it fate
Giving it a free hand, that Heaven's waving its wand
Merely, let it dwell naturally
For round and round, it comes in cirlces, the end meets the beginning
The beginning beckons when it is the coming of an ending
Fate is so strange
Can leave all estrange
Yet fate can be so beautiful
Its uncertainly is bound to be more wonderful, when least expected.

It is fate itself that our path has crossed
That in some ways, entwined and twas
There is always a reason for everything
And this does mean something
For we have came this far, over the years
And despite all the fears and all arrears.

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