Wednesday, February 3, 2010

A Day Without Mobile

A day without mobile
The world seems so quite
Though it doesn’t seem
Like I will be more attentive and focused
Like I have never been
And never will
Yet I don’t look into the mobile twice a min time

A day without mobile
The world seems so quite
And I dun find myself with hallucination
Kept thinking if the mobile is ringing
Or I have missed a call
Coz nobody be able to reach
A day without mobile.

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Hafta Great Weekend Ahead ..........

S T R E S S...s....s.....s.....s.......

H A V A B R E A K ..... Chill O U T

S M I L E .......

Tuesday, January 19, 2010


Without a doubt, you are indeed a caring soul
You have that power to heal the world;
So soothing a voice you have
I remembered so clearly, you sang, and I felt comforted;
Deep inside, there is beauty
There is gentleness from within.

As each day goes
Just reaffirm the things I know;
You are truly a gem
And am truly a lucky person.

Friday, January 15, 2010

Every Feat Deserves a Feast

It only takes time, to realize what you can do
It takes a lil determination, and see how far you can go;
It takes a lil huff and puff, and see you at the top
Sheer dedication, knowing you will not stop;
Sometimes a lil tough, things get rough
I know you will not give up!
You can do it
Let's go and celebrate
For every feat deserves a feast
To see the smile, grin and joy, so worth it!

Tuesday, January 12, 2010


Things fall into places
Like jigsaw puzzles fittings,
How simple yet simply amazes
How 1+1 may not add to 2, still is interesting.

Things compliments each other
In strange manners, but accordingly,
The wonders work of nature provider
All is meant to be eventually, the way it is to be.

Monday, January 11, 2010

The Wish List

is of all the things you wanted
things which can be achieved simply
or requires some time of planning.


is of things which can be achieved
may not always be just a dream
just stretch out a little further, and get them.

is of both small and big things

simple, essentials, or just plain fun
to have, to hold, and to remind, as time goes.

will keep on going and going
sometimes to no end

cos, you keep on living.

is not about greed and desire
it is about life that keeps on evolving
as time goes, the list grows, and more apparent.

Sunday, January 10, 2010

Take It or Leave It

You are an attractive girl
Such a sweet smile
With a big heart
A loving soul...
True to what the eyes may see
Distinctively as the heart may feel.

Though there may not be perfection in the world
Then you are a gem to be polished and crafted to exquisitiveness
For your uniqueness
Not 2 individuals may possess the similarities.

The world will definitely see you as you are
No need for compromise
The world needs you the way you are
No need for you to compromise
Everyone should take you for who you are
Otherwise, it will be such a shame.

Alas, you so love the world, your love...